This is brown fire blogger template developed by me(Vatsal Shah) which is totally SEO friendly environment blogger template.
Basically this is brown environment blogger template with good css and hover effects.It is 2 column template one for blogger content and another for SEO activities.
Brown Fire blogger template |
It has Gray main background and White content background and all widgets has brown title with different css and hover effects.It also provides good pagination as well as navigation.
1)Good Brown-White-Gray color contrast combination.
2)Good font customization and post customization.
3)Post sharing widgets below and above of each and every post.
4)Author,time-date and label,comment information with images.
5)Different widgets available like search box,blog archive,email subscription,labels,stay connected etc.
6)Good pagination and navigation effects.
7)Home page proper customization and better view.
8)Better scroll bar for up and down page.
9)Enlarging image while clicking on post and redirect from home page.
10)Better SEO facilities and different resolution compatibility.
You have read above features of this blogger template.Now know more about different widgets of this template.
1)Pagination:- This widget provides good pagination with nice fonts and effects of hover and active links.
2)Navigation:- This widget provides navigation of page to page with nice css effects and with next-previous arrows and numbers also.You can easily move from one page to another page.This widget is shown when no. of posts is greater than 7 by default.I suggest you,don't change no. of posts per page for better page view.
3)Post sharing widget:- This template provides post sharing widget below and above of each and every post for visitor flexibility.Visitor doesn't need to go up or down from current position to share post.
4)Stay Connected widget:- This widget provides connecting with social media icons with nice css effect.
5)Search box:- This widget provides search facility throughout the blog with post limit per page.
However,this is 2 column blogger template with SEO friendly environment and very flexible to use.
Instruction to install:-
Go to the Templates and then click on the Backup/Restore and then select template which you download and then click on the upload.
After applying this template to your blog please go to the Template->Edit HTML and find "" without quotation mark using Ctrl+F and change only searched area with your blog url but keep in mind that don't change complete url which is already given,only change searched area means "" with your blog url to enjoy search facility with post limitation.
Then search for "<ul id='BT_social'>" without quotation mark and change url of all social media pages with your page url for example there is "",change it with your facebook page url.
Then go to the label widget and select "Cloud" option in display.
If you want to change social media icons as per your wish then simply delete stay connected widget and add another widget with your code.
If you want to show demo of this template or want to download this template then click on the following buttons.
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