Web Traffic-an ultimate goal of any site owner
Hello!!! friends,everyone pay attention who are interested to increase web traffic and want to be happy to see large number of visitors daily to your site,like your site,commenting on posts and make your site famous worldwide.
Everybody knows that to become famous,hard work is only key.So,same mechanism can apply for web traffic.Suppose you have one website which provides highly effective content which may help to the world,but what to do next?How to reach to the visitors and make them know about your content.
There are many ways which may help to increase web traffic.There is no any particular definition or steps which give 100% trust to increase web traffic.It is laborious process which may help to increase web traffic.Obviously many steps are available which give ideas to increase web traffic but hard work is only key and analysis is very important which gives you more specific ideas about web traffic.
Here i give you top suggestions which are to be followed and surely help to improve your site search rank as well as increase traffic.
Top Suggestions:-
1) Post quality and unique content:-
This is the first step which should be followed by every site owner,because duplicate information will never attract visitors to your site.There are already thousands of websites which provide content on your concept of website.So,try to provide content in some other way and effectively represent your ideas,which may attract more visitors to your site.You can also add images,videos,graphs to make content more informative.
Just remember one thing that never do copy of content,it will never gives you better web traffic.
2) Keywords Arena:-
Keywords play very important role in sense of web traffic increment,because search engines like Google,Bing always work on keywords research.You have seen that people try to find anything on the Internet always type some keywords or phrases.Those keywords or phrases should be considered to increase web traffic,so always pay attention on keywords which represent your site as well as your web pages.
First of all analyze your content and choose some keywords which may better explain your content.Then compare your keywords with mostly typed keywords for your concept.You can also take help of software like Google keyword tool which provides best information regarding your keywords.
You should analyze other best websites regarding your content and find how those websites should be searched over search engines.You can use those keywords and then do hard work to improve your site search rank by providing best and unique quality content,share your website with your friends and promote your website on different bases.
3) Meta tags support:-
Meta tags support is very important for good and healthy web traffic.Do you know what is meta tag?How to use it?How it is useful?The answers are here.
Meta tags are the tags which provide more specific and clearly representation of your website.It tells to search engine as well as visitors,what your site is all about.It provides help to crawl and index your web pages easily.It will be only placed in head section.
Basically use three types of meta tags 1)description 2)keyword 3)author name
<meta content="description of your site" name="description"/>
<meta content="keywords of your site separated by comma" name="keywords"/>
<meta content="author name" name="author"/>
Never do the mistake in the syntax of meta tag otherwise it is worthless.
4) Promotion on different bases:-
In the world today nothing should be famous without promotion.The best example is "MOVIE PROMOTION".You have seen that movie production and promotion are two different things.All members of the movie production team always promote movie on different bases and with different tricks.They also take advantage of famous products advertisement,famous TV shows etc.
So,i hope you have get idea nearly about promotion.So,to promote your website you should provide unique and
quality content and share them with people on different bases.
You should use different tools to share your web pages with people.There are many tools like Google webmaster tools,Bing webmaster tools which crawl and index your web pages and add to search engine.Then you should do hard work on the content keywords,content description and all.All components of content like title,description,meta tags should contain keywords which are usually typed by visitors on the search engine.
5) Social site addiction:-
Today,social media plays highly effective and efficient role in the sense of connecting people.Then why should we miss it ?Never forget to take advantage of social media,because it is a best tool to advertise your website.You have a large social network then take advantage of it.Make fan page of your site in social media like facebook,google plus etc.
Add social widgets to your website to connect with more people because today mentality of Internet users is that if they found any social media icon on the web page they see it at least one time.So,make fan pages and regularly update it.It will more help you to increase web traffic.
6) Back links(linking with other sites) & Viral Infection :-
Usually site rank in search engine increases slowly,so you can take help from other famous sites with share your web page links on those sites in comment or by any other way,so visitors on those sites should check it.Never forget that more web traffic comes will through more sites because today there are lots of sites on different concepts,so share your site on those sites and attract visitors to your site.
It is like viral infection,the more back links you use the more web traffic you will get.Slowly your web pages will be shared like viral infection.Once you share any web page link,it may be shared by others if you provide quality content.Some websites provide voting system like more comments on post and all that.So if you share your web page with those highly commented posts which are related to your content you may get more web traffic and it will increase day by day.
Just be patience and do more work you will get good web traffic.