Today all web developers try to all possible elements to increase page views at the end of the day.This satisfaction is awesome for any web developer/blogger.
Many elements work for your website reaches at top of the hill. Hill climbing is not easy thing,same as boost your web traffic is hardest thing in whole web world.
I have already suggest many articles regarding boost your web traffic.You may visit.
One important element to get good values as well as traffic to your site is page load speed,because many visitors feel irritate when your website takes too much time to load.
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Don't forget you have only one option which is your website,you have to work around it,but visitors have only one target which is solution of their problems on web.So,they have many options in search engine while they are searching on the web.So,they ignore your website generally if your webpage takes too much time to load.
Here i am going to suggest you some very important tips which i have found throughout my experience.
1)Use simple and smart template:-
First thing which we are looking for our website is good and effective template.There are many resources on web to get simple and smart template.
Choose your template properly,because many things which we can ignore like images,widgets which designed for only attraction in template,but we need page load speed so choose simple and smart template which covers all our requirements with good page load speed.
2)Reduce/ignore useless outsourcing scripts/code:-
Website is built up by many scripts/code.Many ready made scripts are available on the web to create good and attractive website or for functional usage.
So,choose outsourcing scripts carefully,because whenever your page loads,outsourcing elements take time to generate and access from source site.
So,please ignore/reduce outsourcing elements which are not critically required,it will increase your page speed very fast.
3)Ignore useless css effects:-
This is fact that good and effective layouts attract more visitors to your website/blog,but there is always a limit for attraction,because your main aim is always provide quality and useful information to your visitors which they want.
So,it is good to create good layout of your site,but ignore useless css effects which can only add highlight or animation effects on your site.It is worthless because it will take too much time to load your website.
4)Use Read More:-
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Any informative website contains lot of information/content in paragraphs or article.So,always use Read More facility which generates jump break in your article and suggests to use Read More button/link to explore your article.
Read More decreases page length and words count in any particular page so,page load speed might be increase.
5)Reduce post per page and avoid unnecessary images:-
You can set post per page if you have rights to change html code of your site/blog.So,you should reduce post per page as per your content to increase page load speed as well as avoid to use unnecessary image in your content.Use only meaningful images.
6)Select text ads/banner to monetize your website:-
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Every blog/website owners want to earn from their resources and it is very good thing and provide motivation to the owner.
Today many advertising networks are available like Google Adsense,Chitika,Infolinks to monetize your website and give revenue.They provide text-ads as well as banner advertisement related to your content.These ad networks always provide relevant and proper ads for your website/blog.
Choose proper advertisements from these resources and avoid to use large/full page pop up advertisements which take too much time to load or provide big animation only.
I hope these tips might be helpful to you.If you like this post then share with your friends and give reviews in comment.