Hello friends,here is something new and interesting topic for you to know which is facebook may take records what you didn't even post.How is it?
As we know,today facebook becomes large and huge social networking site and becomes a good platform for advertising.Today facebook users also take interest into different brands and products advertising on facebook.
We are liking too many pages of brands and products given right side of facebook page everyday,which is beneficial for production companies.So,they are widely advertise their products and brands on facebook and get huge response form our side.This matter becomes today a most important factor for facebook developing strategy.
So,today facebook advertising unit not focuses only what users are doing by themselves on facebook,but also depends on different activities which user does on facebook like brands and products liking,analyzing etc.They keep records of it and then analyze it to make different strategy for good business and services.
We can't believe that facebook have done partnership with four different companies to make a different strategy with behaviour of facebook users outside the facebook.This is the difficult and very complicated work and to deal with it facebook finally decided partnership with different companies.
These companies analyze user behaviour regardless facebook services like posting,gaming etc.This behaviour may be helpful to them to provide good and targeted advertisement to users which they want.These companies analyze different documentary records,selling records,databases etc to analyze how people take care about different products and how much their interest in it.
According to that analysis facebook sell relevant ads which are widely referred by users behaviour and improve marketing efficiency which is to be said by director of ads in facebook Mr. Gokul Rajaram.
This strategy would be helpful to users for their interest into ads and companies to improve their business and revenues.By seeing it,many business owners take interest into this new project of facebook and why not,it gives much profit.
Thus,facebook not only concentrate on what people do on facebook like posting,liking but it takes care about whole day movements of users behaviour by many different sources.
So,friends who are interested into brands and products will get relevant ads and can choose and may know more about their favorite brands and products by this brilliant effort of facebook.
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